Sandalwood essential oil is derived from the heartwood of the sandalwood, which is a heiparasitic evergreen that grows by joining the root system of other trees. The tree belongs to the Santalaceae family and is also known as East Indian sandalwood.

Sandalwood oil has been used since over four thousand years ago. It has found its way in fragrances, cosmetics and personal care products, and meditative/spiritual practices.

This essential oil is extracted through steam distillation of pieces of wood from matured sandalwood trees that are ages 40 to 80. Eighty years old is preferred, because the older the tree, the more oil available and the stronger the aroma.

The oil has a woody, exotic smell that’s subtle and lingering. Its color ranges from pale yellow to pale gold. Although expensive, it has many wonderful characteristics that make it useful and beneficial for health and wellness. For one, sandalwood oil creates a calming, harmonizing effect for the mind, helping reduce tension and confusion. It is also traditionally used in Ayurveda, India’s holistic health system, for the treatment somatic and mental disorders.

Uses of Sandalwood Oil

The benefits of sandalwood oil can be harnessed different ways. In vapor therapy, it can be used as an aphrodisiac, as well as to help address coughs, bronchitis, chest infections, asthma, insomnia, nervous tension, and stress. It can also be blended into a massage oil or added to your bath water. In this form it can assist with bladder infections, chest infections, and relaxation, to name a few.

You can also use it in a lotion or cream to improve chapped, dry, or inflamed skin. It can moisturize and hydrate skin, serving as a wonderful addition in your anti-aging skincare regimen. It tones and relieves itching, inflammation, and dehydrated skin. Rashes, scar tissue, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and dandruff are just some of the issues it can assist with.

Remember, though, that I do not recommend using sandalwood essential oil raw on your skin. Mix it with some type of carrier oil, such as jojoba.

A study shows, too, that sandalwood oil could be an effective chemopreventive agent against chemically induced skin cancer in animal models.

Benefits of Sandalwood Oil

Organic Facts provides a rundown of sandalwood benefits12 for health and wellness. Here’s a partial list:

  • Antiseptic – This oil is a good antiseptic agent and is safe for both internal and external application. It helps protect internal wounds and ulcers from infections; when applied to skin, it protects wounds, sores, boils, and pimples from getting infected.
  • Anti-inflammatory – The essential oil and paste are effective as anti-inflammatory agents. They have a cooling effect and relieve all types of brain, digestive, nervous, circulatory, and excretory system inflammation, which result from infections, fevers, antibiotic side effects, insect bites, wounds, and poisoning.
  • Antispasmodic – This oil works against spasms and contractions by relaxing nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.
  • Astringent – Although very mild, sandalwood oil can induce contractions in your gums, muscles, and skin, offering benefits like better muscle strength and a tighter skin.
  • Deodorant – There are individuals who use sandalwood oil to relieve body odor.
  • Disinfectant – Its fragrance keeps microbes and small insects away, which is why it is widely used in incense sticks, sprays, fumigants, and evaporators for disinfecting large areas.
  • Emollient – It soothes skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, cures infections, and promotes a fresh, cool feeling.
  • Expectorant – It is specifically effective in treating coughs, but it also fights the infections that cause the cough, cold, flu, or mumps.
  • Memory booster – Sandalwood oil improves memory and stimulates concentration. It keeps your brain cool and relaxed, and saves you from unnecessary stress and anxiety.
  • Tonic – It is soothing on your stomach and the digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems, helping them function harmoniously.