Bulgarian Rose oil with its wonderful fragrance is one of the most sought after essential oils for use in perfumery. It has a deep yet soft and hypnotic fragrance. Used throughout history for its lovely scent, Rose oil – the quintessential oil of love – encourages a feeling of happiness and contentment and is esteemed for being a classical “heart opener”. In aromatherapy, Rose is used in skin formulas, for depression, and as a tonic for the female reproductive system.
Roses are widely considered the most beautiful flowers in the world. The flower is an integral part of innumerable stories, legends, myths and legacies. With its varied colors, incomparable fragrance and range of shapes and sizes, you can find one for every mood and occasion. People who do not know about any of its medicinal properties can still tell you of one undeniable property; a beautiful, red rose can invoke romantic feelings in even the hardest of hearts.
The Essential Oil of Rose is extracted by steam distillation of fresh Damascus Rose (Rosa Damascena, as it is known among botanists) and is composed of hundreds of other components. Damascus Roses are the preferred variety because they are the most fragrant species and are believed to be the original red roses with strongest aroma and highest oil content.
We know about the emotional and psychological effects of rose. More importantly, let’s explore some of the medicinal and health benefits of rose essential oil below.
The astringent property of Rose Oil has many benefits. It strengthens gums and hair roots, while toning and lifting skin, and contracting muscles, intestines and blood vessels. This gives protection against the untimely loss of teeth and hair, wrinkles, the loss of firmness of intestines and muscles of the abdominal area and limbs associated with aging. Above all, rose essential oil helps to stop the flow of blood from wounds and cuts by contracting the blood vessels. This astringent property can also cure certain types of diarrhea.
Regulates hormone
It regulates hormone production and helps to balance them throughout the body. It is one of the best oils to give you shining, fresh and youthful skin. Its aroma keeps you charged and feeling happy. It promotes circulation, takes care of the heart, reduces blood pressure and helps to cure headaches, asthma, dehydration, leucorrhea and various other infections.
Rose Oil boosts self esteem, confidence, and mental strength while efficiently fighting depression. They can be very helpful to drive away depression arising for any reason, and it also relieves anxiety. As an antidepressant, patients of acute depression or those undergoing rehabilitation can be given routine and regular doses of this essential oil to bring a positive boost into their lives. This oil is widely used in aromatherapy and invokes positive thoughts, spiritual relaxation and feelings of joy, happiness and hope.