Here are some sample recipes

1. Homemade Peppermint Lip Balm Recipe
- 4 tsp organic beeswax pellets
- 3 tsp organic avocado oil
- 2 tsp organic hemp seed oil
- 2 tsp jojoba oil
- 10 drops peppermint essential oil
- 7 lip balm containers
- 3 tsp organic avocado oil
- Melt beeswax, oils in a double boiler on low heat. If you do not have a double boiler, simply use an aluminum bowl placed in a pan filled with warm water
- Once melted, add the peppermint essential oil. Mix well.
- Pour immediately into the lip balm containers.
- If it has already starting to harden, don’t panic! Put it back into the double boiler for a few seconds until it melts again and pour the rest the containers.
- Let it cool for 2 hours until it has completely solidified.
- Apply on your lips as often as needed!
- The shelf life of this peppermint lip balm is about 1 year, depending on the shelf life of the oils and you have used. It does not need to be refrigerated.
- Yield: about 1.5 oz (7 lip balm containers).

2. Homemade Moisturizer Tutorial
- 1 tbs of organic rose water.
- 4 tbs of organic cocoa butter.
- 10 tbs of organic apricot kernel oil.
- 1 tbs of organic beeswax pellets.
- 10 drops of lavender essential oil optional.
- Containers.
- Glass Salve Containers- You can also find glass cream containers on amazon.com and amazon.ca.
- Instructions.
- Combine all the oils, cocoa butter & beeswax to your double boiler (basically put an aluminum bowl or pyrex in a pan filled with water) on low heat until they are melted.
- Add the rose water, mix well.
- Once all the ingredients are melted, take your bowl out of the heat and put it in another recipient bowl filled with cold water, ideally with ice to speed up the emulsification process.
- Start mixing with an electric hand blender like this one until you get a liquid cream consistency.
- To whip this butter and make it fondant, put the bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes.
- Then, use the hand blender to mix the cream again.
- Add the essential oil if desired. it does help with preservation time.
- Pour in a glass jar container and use within 2 months.
- Yield: 100 ml cream jar.